Traveling to me is an opportunity for adventure. Being stuck in the same town with the same people all the time and in my case my whole life for the most part it gets a little boring. I've traveled to a few places like Florida but I've always gone somewhere for family and not solely for the trill or adventure of a new environment.

The Places I'd Like To Go

There are a few places I would like the go before I get too old. I haven't traveled much as of right now but I hope for that to change in the future. A few examples of the places I would like to go to in the future are Italy, Nicaragua, and Japan.

First I would like to go to Italy because overall it just looks beautiful from the pictures I see the water looks so blue, you can rent cute little boats, and just overall it's a cute little place in the pictures. Second, the beach in Nicaragua is what I'd like to visit there. It's called Refugio De Vida Silvestre La Flor it's said to have a lot of sea turtles and I'd love to see them. Finally Japan, I used to think I was going to be a fashion designer when I was little and I would put cherry blossoms on a lot of the clothes that I drew so I guess you could say I'm slightly obsessed. Kidding but I do think they are very pretty and would like to see one in person.

There's so many places I would like to go since I haven't had much of a chance to go anywhere in my lifetime yet. Those are just my main places. A few honorable mentions would be places like Alaska and just overall places with pretty nature scenes.

About Me

collage of picturesI haven't been many places in my life besides visting family mostly. We used to fly to Florida every year to go see my grandparents and some aunts and uncles. We would go to Disney World and I even went to Disney one time with my friend and her family they let me tag along with them. I still have a little book that I got full of signatures from a bunch of my favorite chacters.

I also went to Alabama one time when I was around two weeks old. I don't remember that trip though hahaha. I would love to travel more with my friends and family it gives yourself and the people you're with a little break from seeing the same things and same people all the time.

I've lived in Missouri my whole life. I've lived in a few different houses but never a different town and/or state. Born and rasied here guess you could say. So traveling is very appealing to me.


PhotoScape is pretty user friendly it was my first time using it for the banners and collages and stuff and overall it was pretty easy to use. I had fun creating things with it and I hope to be able to do more projects using it.

First Before and After Editing

italy unedited
italy edited

What I did to the picture is I made the colors of the water a little deeper and added a lens flare. I had to try out a few different shapes with

First Before and After Editing

icecream in a bowl little person eating icecream

For this photo I made a little person licking the ice cream and added a few colors to the photo itself. I got a sticker of the face and drew the body on him. He looks like he's enjoying it haha.

Created by Adison Asher Ⓒ2021